Silver Creek-Irving Heritage Fund Awards Grants

The Silver Creek-Irving Heritage Fund (SCIHF) recently awarded community grants to four local organizations totaling $1,500. The SCIHF is a Community Advised Fund at the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation (NCCF).

The Anderson Lee-Library received a $500 grant to renew their Foundation Directory Online Database subscription; Boy Scout Troop 252 received a grant of $300 for camping equipment; the Silver Creek Hanover Garden Club received a $350 grant to provide welcome sign shrubbery and veterans memorial brick edging; and the Festival of Grapes was awarded $350 to support their window restoration project.  

The SCIHF provides grant awards to new community initiatives, for leadership development and for other charitable programs that address the most pressing issues within the Silver Creek-Irving community. Their motto is “Remembering Our Past – Securing Our Future.”  The SCIHF applications are due each year on the 20th of September.  Applications can be obtained by contacting a committee member or by visiting the NCCF website

The Silver Creek-Irving Heritage Fund committee members include Joe Castiglia, Mac Crowe, Maureen Morabito, Donna Roof, Kathy Tampio and Vincent Tampio. For additional information on the SCIHF contact a committee member or the NCCF. Contributions to this fund are always welcome by visiting the website listed above.

To learn more about the NCCF, establishing a fund or donating to a fund at the NCCF, e-mail, call 716-366-4892 or visit the website

The NCCF, incorporated in 1986, is a tax-exempt charitable organization.  Since its establishment, the NCCF has distributed more than $12.9 million in the community through its various grant programs.  It is an organization inherently committed to enriching the northern Chautauqua community and encouraging local philanthropy.

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Silver Creek-Irving Heritage Fund Committee Members Vince Tampio and Mac Crowe distribute 2017 grant awards to representatives of the Festival of Grapes, Anderson-Lee Library, Silver Creek Hanover Garden Club and Boy Scout Troop 252.